Damascus - Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal point Israel has been doing 'Holocaust' in Gaza. According to him, Israel's military action only to the Gaza jail in a sea of blood '.
"I ask you O people of Israel, what you may have with the war that you support this? What do you get to kill unless the child is not guilty and create piles skull and blood in the sea of Gaza?" seru Meshaal in Syria in a speech broadcast station-Arab television stations such as dilansir Reuters, Saturday (10/1/2009).
"What you achieve, except that with the Holocaust pemimpinmu want to win the upcoming election?" he added.
Holocaust is the term for his slaughter of the Jews by Nazi Germany during World War II. Around 6 million Jews Hitler became victims of violence in these events.
Meshaal who lives in Syria that Israel deliberately rate target civilians for merontokkan moral of the militants in Gaza. He repeatedly called cease-fire conditions and the desired Hamas, such diakhirinya blockade Israel that was one of the causes of Hamas are reluctant to continue the peace agreement.
Meshaal also said, Israel to attack Gaza will not achieve success militernya. Evidence is still rocket launched by the Palestinians to Israel. "You have created a resistance in every home and the city," specifically.
Israel, Meshaal go, even less in international opinion. Evidence demonstration was held in order to investigate the entire attack Israel.
"We live in the middle of the days most difficult of the war. What we need is a strong resistance in Gaza and the support of the Arab world, Islamic, and international aggression until this enemy over and back," exclaim him.
Palestinians Warn Israel Citizen, Will Escalate Attacks
Jerusalem - Israel distribute leaflets in the Gaza Strip in order to warn people of Palestine that they will increase military attack. Leaflets appear speculation that it will mark a new attack tactics diadopsinya by Israel.
As written BBC, Saturday (10/1/2009), leaflets and a telephone message that was delivered to Gaza residents told to keep distance from the places belonging to Hamas because of Israel (Israeli Defense Forces) does not stray Gaza residents, but 'only Hamas and the terrorist '.
One phone message states that the 'third phase' of the military operation will begin. According to the BBC correspondent, the third stage could mean that the army of Israel will go to more cities and refugee camps. This will bring new risks to both Israeli soldiers and civilians in Gaza.
On Saturday yesterday, attacks have destroyed dozens of Israeli targets, including places of the launch rocket, magazine, and smuggling routes. According to Israel, Hamas has 30 missile shoot again the citizens of Israel injure 2 in Ashkelon.
In this attack, at least 800 people and 13 Palestinian citizens of Israel are reported killed.
Jerusalem - Israel distribute leaflets in the Gaza Strip in order to warn people of Palestine that they will increase military attack. Leaflets appear speculation that it will mark a new attack tactics diadopsinya by Israel.
As written BBC, Saturday (10/1/2009), leaflets and a telephone message that was delivered to Gaza residents told to keep distance from the places belonging to Hamas because of Israel (Israeli Defense Forces) does not stray Gaza residents, but 'only Hamas and the terrorist '.
One phone message states that the 'third phase' of the military operation will begin. According to the BBC correspondent, the third stage could mean that the army of Israel will go to more cities and refugee camps. This will bring new risks to both Israeli soldiers and civilians in Gaza.
On Saturday yesterday, attacks have destroyed dozens of Israeli targets, including places of the launch rocket, magazine, and smuggling routes. According to Israel, Hamas has 30 missile shoot again the citizens of Israel injure 2 in Ashkelon.
In this attack, at least 800 people and 13 Palestinian citizens of Israel are reported killed.