10 Makanan yang Akan Membuat Tidur anda berkualitas
Pisang seperti obat tidur alami. Selain mengandung melatonin dan serotonin dalam jumlah kecil, pisang juga mengandung magnesium, bahan yang dapat merangsang relaksasi otot
Teh Chamomile
Teh Chamomile mempunyai efek penenang yang dapat menurunkan stress fisik maupun mental, membuat teh ini minuman yang cocok untuk dikonsumsi sebelum tidur
Susu hangat
Bukan, ini bukan mitos, segelas susu hangat sebelum tidur dapat membantu tidur Anda. Susu mengandung tryptophan, yaitu asam amino yang mempunyai efek sedatif dan kalsium yang membantu otak untuk menggunakan tryptophan.
Tambahkan madu sedikit di dalam susu atau teh Anda. Gula dapat meningkatkan energi, tetapi dalam jumlah yang sedikit, gula dapat memberitahu otak Anda untuk menurunkan kinerja orexin. Neurotransmiter yang berhubungan dengan kesadaran Anda.
Sedikit kentang rebus atau kentang panggang di malam hari tidak akan menaikkan berat badan Anda. Kentang membersihkan asam yang dapat mengganggu kinerja tryptophan di dalam tubuh.
Oatmeal sebelum tidur adalah jalan tercepat menuju tidur, karena oatmeal merangsang produksi melatonin di dalam tubuh pada malam hari.
Kacang Almond
Almond adalah kacang yang baik bagi kesehatan jantung. Tetapi almond juga dapat membantu tidur Anda karena mengandung tryptophan dan magnesium.
Flaxseed kaya akan asam omega-3 yang dapat membantu memperbaiki mood Anda. Konsumsi flaxseed ketika Anda sedang mengalami stress atau depresi berat. Tidur Anda akan lebih nyenyak.
Roti Gandum (Whole Wheat Bread)
Sepotong roti gandum dan teh akan merangsang insulin di dalam tubuh Anda, yang berguna untuk membantu kinerja tryptophan untuk bereaksi di otak. Dimana tryptophan akan diubah menjadi serotonin yang memberi tahu otak Anda untuk tidur.
Daging Kalkun
Daging kalkun adalah sumber yang sangat baik untuk tryptophan. Tryptophan bekerja ketika perut Anda kosong dan tidak ketika Anda sangat kenyang. Tetapi 1 sampai 2 potong dari daging kalkun bersama dengan roti gandum pada waktu sore hari akan dapat membantu membuat tidur Anda lebih nyenyak di malam hari.
Pidato Presiden SBY
semoga keputusan yang diambil oleh bapak SBY adalah keputusan yang terbaik.
mari kita dukung partai Demokrat dan jadikan bapak SBY sebagai presiden RI agar negara tercinta kita menjadi lebih kuat dimata dunia.
ayo PKS ikut dukung SBY yaaaa.
Manohara model asal indonesia diculik oleh suaminya
swim a dog
As dilansir AFP, Senin (6/7/2009), is a dog named Sophie Tucker. He fell in the boat while on holiday with Jan in Queensland, Australia, in November ago.
Jan Family at that time believe that they care about the dog drowned. But without the chance, Sophie could finally swim to St Bees, which is very far distance.
Dogs gray is finally back to his family last week. Sophie found by the police in the wet forest and a little lean.
"We immediately call him directly and we menyahuti. Condition directly improved when we met," Jan said.
Battere from virus
Mentioned, batere made from viruses that can be used to mendayai tiny electronic devices, such as mobile phone and MP3 player. In the future, they can also be used to memotori car. M13 virus used to make this batere only menginfeksi bacteria, so it is not dangerous to humans.
These are the development of a research conducted three years ago when the MIT team has formed a genetic virus-the virus that can build a anoda with the coat itself with cobalt oxide and gold and to build itself to form a nanowire. Batere anoda always have two, one of the positive (often made of cobalt dioxide) and a negative terminal (often made of graphite).
MIT researchers and the research focuses on the development of a cathode that can be paired with anoda. This task is not easy, but eventually the scientists could create a virus-the virus coat themselves with iron phosphate, and stick to the carbon nanotubes to create a network of highly conductive material. Electron-electron can walk along the carbon nanotubes to a network of iron phosphate with a very simple, which means that the transfer of energy in a very short time.
By using this development, researchers have created a coin-sized Battery. According to the test lab, batere this can be filled and re-use at least 100x without reducing capacity. Indeed, the endurance cycle contents are less than Li-ion Battery, Battery, but this can be expected to survive much longer.
Risna, the baby diedwith injuries in his leg after gawk be shatter glass
Now, the corpse of the victim in the room terbujur rigid corpses RS Bhayangkara Maluku Regional Police. In addition there is a wound hematoma Risna in the stomach, legs in the second circle, there are wounds that gape. Wound that perforated two centimeters deep to look tulangnya.
According to the Anci, the mother of the victim, the incident started when Risna was to RSU by Fatah al-grandmother and her mother on Saturday (4 / 4) at around 01.00 local time. At that time Risna need help because of the diarrhea. Arriving at the hospital, Risna placed in the emergency room unit.
BBQ N berinisial directly give infus. When akan diinfus, doctors find it difficult to enter the vein needle infus. Doctors also operate one of the ankle Risna the glass shatter. Because not find a vein on the right foot Risna, doctors move to the left foot, but also did not find blood vessel. Wound in right leg was sewed, but the wound in the left foot has not been sewed. Doctor reasonless akan menjahitnya after dawn prayers.
Due to a long time, and continues to convulse Risna blood in the left foot. Because panic, Aminah, a grandmother decides to bring home Risna grandchildren. However, in the way to her house in the area of Air Salobar, Risna died Saturday morning at around 06.00 local time.
Victim and then taken to hospital for Bhayangkara divisum. However, when requested approval otopsi by the police, the victim's family who are poor can not afford to pay otopsi.
Realizing that death is not reasonable Risna, Aminah and Anci events reported to the Police Headquarters resort island of Ambon. Apparatus directly to the police station to investigate the hospital. Police and search and secure the amount of evidence, among them former infus syringe and bandage full of blood ceceran victims.
The Al-Fatah hospital in Ambon until now have not provided information related to these allegations malapraktik. While doctors try to keep berinisial N vague and have not provided a description
wajib dibaca oleh semua orang indonesia
INDONESIA doesnt need d world, but the world need INDONESIA
Suatu pagi di bandar lampung, menjemput seseorang di bandara. Orang itu sudah tua, kisaran 60 tahun. Sebut saja si bapak. Si bapak adalah pengusaha asal singapura, dengan logat bicara gaya melayu, english, (atau singlish?). Beliau menceritakan pengalaman2 hidupnya kepada kami yang masih muda. Mulai dari pengalaman bisnis, spiritual, keluarga, bahkan percintaan hehehe..
“Your country is so rich!”
Ah biasa banget kan denger kata2 begitu. Tapi tunggu dulu..
“Indonesia doesnt need d world, but d world need Indonesia “
“Everything can be found here in Indonesia , u dont need d world”
“Mudah saja, Indonesia paru2 dunia. Tebang saja hutan di Kalimantan , dunia pasti kiamat. Dunia yang butuh Indonesia !”
“Singapore is nothing, we cant be rich without indonesia. 500.000 orang indonesia berlibur ke singapura setiap bulan. bisa terbayang uang yang masuk ke kami? apartemen2 dan condo terbaru kami yang membeli pun orang2 indonesia, ga peduli harga yang selangit, laku keras. Lihatlah rumah sakit kami, orang indonesia semua yang berobat.”
“Kalian tahu bagaimana kalapnya pemerintah kami ketika asap hutan indonesia masuk? ya benar2 panik. sangat berasa, we are nothing.”
“Kalian ga tau kan klo agustus kemarin dunia krisis beras. termasuk di singapura dan malaysia ? kalian di indonesia dengan mudah dapat beras”
“Lihatlah negara kalian, air bersih dimana2.. lihatlah negara kami, air bersih pun kami beli dari malaysia . Saya pernah ke kalimantan, bahkan pasir pun mengandung permata. Terlihat glitter kalo ada matahari bersinar. Petani disana menjual Rp3000/kg ke sebuah pabrik China . Dan si pabrik menjualnya kembali seharga Rp 30.000/kg. Saya melihatnya sendiri”
“Kalian sadar tidak klo negara2 lain selalu takut meng-embargo Indonesia ? Ya, karena negara kalian memiliki segalanya. Mer eka takut klo kalian menjadi mandiri, makanya tidak di embargo. harusnya KALIANLAH YANG MENG-EMBARGO DIRI KALIAN SENDIRI. Beli lah dari petani2 kita sendiri, beli lah tekstil garmen dari pabrik2 sendiri. Tak perlu kalian impor klo bisa produksi sendiri.”
“Jika kalian bisa mandiri, bisa MENG-EMBARGO DIRI SENDIRI, Indonesia will rules the world..”
Rupiah menguat

In the forex trading at 17.00 WIB, Kamis (12/3/2009) rupiah menguat 120 points (1%) to the position of 11,850 per U.S. dollar. Rupiah today even have menguat to the level of 11,800 per U.S. dollar.
Declining trends in inflation and interest rates make the market began to dare to enter the capital market again to buy bonds, stocks and SUN. Invesor any suspected foreign entry even though the start in a small amount.
Meanwhile, regional currencies such as yen closed vary menguat Japan 1.21%, Korean won weakened 2.04%, the Philippines peso weakened 0.48%, Singapore dollar weakened 0.31%, Thailand bath menguat 0.03% and the Taiwan dollar menguat 0.05%.

Skinhead was a sub-culture that was born in London, England at the end of the 1960 's. Now Skinhead spreads all through the hemisphere. The Skinhead name referred to the followers of this culture that his hair was cut bald. Before beginning him the Skinhead era, there was the group of the adolescent who was called by Mods that became the beginner to skinheads.
Although Skinhead was often associated with people's group that rasis and Neo- Nazi, but Skinhead actual not Neo- Nazi, because initially Skinhead was the oppressed group from the worker's class (especially the dock labourer) in London, England. Skinhead could also refer to to the person's group (usually the adolescent) that was fans Oi music! /streetpunk but also the punk.
Skinhead was the subculture that began in England in the era of ‘60-an, when Mods was mengharubiru the English young. Mods that initially was dominated by the young that come from from the middle circle above afterwards became an epidemic and touched each circle. Including the circle of the alias worker working class.
The young men from this circle although must work hard daily, some even as the manual labourer or the dock labourer, but continued to have the high taste in chose life style certain. They tried adapted life style that developed the pattern of the life, appetite as well as the wallet capacity.

Hard mods afterwards just was known as the Skinheads group around 1968. The generation of this Skinheads pioneer is usually acknowledged as Trads (Traditional Skinheads) or Trojan Skinheads, in accordance with the name of the Trojan Records label.
This Trads group found it easy to be recognised from the suit like shirt button-up Ben Sherman, polo of Fred Perry, Bretel/suspender, tight jeans trousers, monkey boots, the jeans jacket, the Harrington jacket, V neck Sweater etc.. As well as that most important was the short hair discount, was different from the style of hair mods generally.
Pakaian especially because most fields of the work that was available did not allow the worker to have long hair let alone being in a random style was not uniform. Moreover, the short hair discount was regarded as the profit when must face the life of the hard street at that point. There were also those who believed that the choice had short hair was counter against life style the group hippie that was regarded as luxurious but also was developing in this period. More again far, a story told how that this choice came from port workers, like in the Liverpool city, that cut short their hair to avoid lice that often were gotten around the port.
Because of Skinhead personally basically was a subculture not a genre or the musical current, the choice of his music then could beragam.Yang first definitely was roots they who came from Mods, Trads then initially really was affected R&B music in the style of British like from The Who, The Kinks etc.. However, they also terinspirasi by style in the style of Jamaican Rude Boy that also popular in England in the time. Rude Boy or Rudy was the term for the Jamaican immigrants who had black skin the lover of the dance and music from mereka.Hasil him, Trads then really enjoyed music ska, reggae, rocksteady, in fact until music soul etc.. Then occasionally, a person of Skinhead then took part in enjoying the wave from a singer soul like Aretha Franklin misalnya.Dari roots this could be investigated that basically Skinhead in no way was identical to rasis. As the general opinion generally. Because they then enjoyed culture from the black person's community. Moreover, quite a few of Skinhead that had black skin and was coloured
They got the stamp rasis the first time when several of Skinhead were involved clash several times with the Pakistani immigrant and the immigrant from South Asia (they mentioned him Paki-Bashing) in England in the era of ’60-an. The act of the violence that although although could not be justified this was triggered by the problem of the work. Where Skinhead that was workers felt their work land was increasingly narrow was urged by the arrival of the prepared immigrant to be paid lower. The label rasis afterwards increasingly adhered, one of them was after several of Skinhead combined and connected in the organisation white power, National Front that was formed in the beginning of ’70-an. Militancy and the Skinhead character that were hard typical workers could make them be made the implement and various interests of politics. Including being connected by understanding Neo Nazi. Although the history and the available reality could show the fact that berbeda.Sama with Mods fate his ancestors, the Skinhead prestige could meredup in the era of ’70-an
after beforehand reached the peak of their popularity during 1969.
They afterwards rose again, along with the birth of punk music in around 1977
Plaxico Burress
ESPN.com and Fox Sports.com indicated that the injury was not a danger to life. It was not clear how the club shooting took place. The website of Fox said Burress spent the night in hospital.
I put 't have anything for you at this stage, spokesman Pat Hanlon said team Associated Press of Giants Stadium before the Super Bowl champions left for a flight to Washington for a game Sunday against the Red Skins.
Telephone calls to Burress 'at home and repeated his agent, drew Rosenhaus, were not immediately returned.
Totowa Police in New Jersey, where Burress lives during the season, and New York City, where he visits occasionally in clubs, had no report of a shooting involving the player.
We collect information, just as everyone spokesman Joe Browne, NFL said otherwise.
Burress injured a tendon shank two weeks ago against Baltimore Ravens. The Giants said Friday that it does not play Sunday.
The 31-year-old receiver was suspended for a game against Seattle on October 5 and refined $ 117,500 for missing a meeting and a lack of equipment to inform the team of his absence. He said he had a family emergency.
He also was sentenced to $ 45,000 by the NFL for his conduct during a game Oct. 19 against the 49ers in which he abused an official and threw a ball into the stands.
Burress caught the winning pass in the Giants win la 'Super Bowl over the Patriots in New England. He signed a five-year, the $ 35 million contract hours before the season opened in September.
The signing came after an unsettling off-season when Burress was sentenced to $ 25,000 for refusing Minicamp during a practice mandatory in June. He also missed most of training camp at the University at Albany with an ankle heels. He insisted the damage - not his contract - kept him off the field.
Despite his lack of practice, Burress started in the opener against Washington and caught 10 passes 133 yards. The following week, he had five hooks for 81 yards and landing in a victory over St. Louis.
The rest of the season was not as productive. The most he has caught passes in any game since four years ago in a loss to Cleveland on October 13, the game that followed his suspension.
Burress has 35 hooks for 454 yards and four landings in the one season where he has consistently drawn double insurance. His streak of receptions in 115 consecutive games ended last week in Arizona. He aggravated his tendon damage shank during the first series and did not return.
It was the sixth-long active streak in the league, dating back to November 26, 2000 against Cincinnati, Burress 'novice season in Pittsburgh.
Signed as a free agent in 2005, Burress had caught a pass in each of the 56 previous games in which he played for the Giants.
Your printer may still be hazardous to your health
Nearly two years later, the same researchers are back... with a vengeance. Their goal: To determine why some printers produced so many particles and some produced considerably fewer. Rather than test a few dozen printers, this time the research focused on two printers (both from HP): One known to produce a very small amount of particulate matter, and one which had been shown to produce about 1000 times as much. That's an enormous range for two printers from the same manufacturer.
To get to the point, here's what the study found: The temperature that the toner, lubricating oil, and certain internal printer components reach (and how fast they reach it) is what is largely responsible for causing the rise of particulate emissions. Once certain thresholds were crossed (which vary depending on the component), particulate emissions went through the roof. The study also found that toner itself isn't the real issue, but rather a complex secondary reaction that occurs in the air and involves organic compounds that originate on paper as well as toner, also involving airborne ozone, to produce the resulting emissions.
Without experimenting, there's no easy way to guess when these temperature thresholds are crossed, as temperature varies up and down during a print job, and not always in ways you'd expect. In the tests, both printers' temperature (and emissions) peaked in the first minute of a print job and then declined, but for the "bad" printer in the test, a second peak occured after two sustained minutes of printing. Ultimately, the study found that how well the printer controlled temperature levels was what was responsible for its emissions level. The report concludes by suggesting that printer companies should focus on this temperature issue in order to make their products potentially less dangerous to those who work around them.
Ars Technica has much more in-depth coverage of the study. The complete text of the report is available online as well, at a price of $30.
(And to attempt to stem the flood of email that this blog post is certain to generate: Remember, inkjet printers do not suffer from this problem and are generally considered "safe." And if you do have a laser printer, I unfortunately can't tell you how safe or dangerous a specific model might be.)
Human Tree Salep be killer Virus HPV

Said Chairman Tim Penangananan Dede, dr Grace Dinata who accompanied Director RSHS Bandung, Prof. Dr. dr Rachiana cissy Sudjana Prawira, in persnya Goodbye to the journalist, in the Press Room RSHS Bandung, on Thursday.
"This Salep or gel will be smeared on the left arm Dede. This is still the pilot, because there is fear of side effects," said Rahmat.
According to him, salep this is a form of drug Cidofovir recommended by expert Dermatology from Maryland USA, Prof. Anthony Gaspari.
The telling, for giving this medication to Dede Cidofovir is feared will cause side effects such as swelling kidney Dede.
Therefore, to reduce side effects caused from the drug Cidofovir, the Pharmacy team and its successful ITB changing patterns of drug to the body Dede.
"If the first drug is liquid form so how to enter the body through Dede injected while now just dioles just because of salep," he said.
The states, the operation Dede ninth this time, the 1.6 Kg successful growth in the face, neck, and chest and running smoothly.
"Level difficulty operating time is not serumit previous operations, can say everything went smoothly-oiled it," said Rahmat dr.
Drug Cidofovir, a drug that contains the CITO megalo virus (CMV), which can kill human papiloma virus (HPV), which attacks the wart virus Dede, he said.
By the government
Director RSHS Bandung, Prof. Dr. dr Rachiana cissy Sudjana Prawira, states, all expenses will be borne by the government Dede.
"Because of Dede is a specific patient from the Ministry of Health, all financing by the government or Bu Menkes," he said.
According to him, since a few days ago, a copy of the financing for the operation and maintenance RSHS Dede in Bandung has been sent to the Minister of Health RI
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Skinhead was a sub-culture

Skinhead was a sub-culture that was born in London, England at the end of the 1960 's. Now Skinhead spreads all through the hemisphere. The Skinhead name referred to the followers of this culture that his hair was cut bald. Before beginning him the Skinhead era, there was the group of the adolescent who was called by Mods that became the beginner to skinheads.
Although Skinhead was often associated with people's group that rasis and Neo- Nazi, but Skinhead actual not Neo- Nazi, because initially Skinhead was the oppressed group from the worker's class (especially the dock labourer) in London, England. Skinhead could also refer to to the person's group (usually the adolescent) that was fans Oi music! /streetpunk but also the punk.
Skinhead was the subculture that began in England in the era of ‘60-an, when Mods was mengharubiru the English young. Mods that initially was dominated by the young that come from from the middle circle above afterwards became an epidemic and touched each circle. Including the circle of the alias worker working class.
The young men from this circle although must work hard daily, some even as the manual labourer or the dock labourer, but continued to have the high taste in chose life style certain. They tried adapted life style that developed the pattern of the life, appetite as well as the wallet capacity.

Hard mods afterwards just was known as the Skinheads group around 1968. The generation of this Skinheads pioneer is usually acknowledged as Trads (Traditional Skinheads) or Trojan Skinheads, in accordance with the name of the Trojan Records label.
This Trads group found it easy to be recognised from the suit like shirt button-up Ben Sherman, polo of Fred Perry, Bretel/suspender, tight jeans trousers, monkey boots, the jeans jacket, the Harrington jacket, V neck Sweater etc.. As well as that most important was the short hair discount, was different from the style of hair mods generally.
Pakaian especially because most fields of the work that was available did not allow the worker to have long hair let alone being in a random style was not uniform. Moreover, the short hair discount was regarded as the profit when must face the life of the hard street at that point. There were also those who believed that the choice had short hair was counter against life style the group hippie that was regarded as luxurious but also was developing in this period. More again far, a story told how that this choice came from port workers, like in the Liverpool city, that cut short their hair to avoid lice that often were gotten around the port.
Because of Skinhead personally basically was a subculture not a genre or the musical current, the choice of his music then could beragam.Yang first definitely was roots they who came from Mods, Trads then initially really was affected R&B music in the style of British like from The Who, The Kinks etc.. However, they also terinspirasi by style in the style of Jamaican Rude Boy that also popular in England in the time. Rude Boy or Rudy was the term for the Jamaican immigrants who had black skin the lover of the dance and music from mereka.Hasil him, Trads then really enjoyed music ska, reggae, rocksteady, in fact until music soul etc.. Then occasionally, a person of Skinhead then took part in enjoying the wave from a singer soul like Aretha Franklin misalnya.Dari roots this could be investigated that basically Skinhead in no way was identical to rasis. As the general opinion generally. Because they then enjoyed culture from the black person's community. Moreover, quite a few of Skinhead that had black skin and was coloured
They got the stamp rasis the first time when several of Skinhead were involved clash several times with the Pakistani immigrant and the immigrant from South Asia (they mentioned him Paki-Bashing) in England in the era of ’60-an. The act of the violence that although although could not be justified this was triggered by the problem of the work. Where Skinhead that was workers felt their work land was increasingly narrow was urged by the arrival of the prepared immigrant to be paid lower. The label rasis afterwards increasingly adhered, one of them was after several of Skinhead combined and connected in the organisation white power, National Front that was formed in the beginning of ’70-an. Militancy and the Skinhead character that were hard typical workers could make them be made the implement and various interests of politics. Including being connected by understanding Neo Nazi. Although the history and the available reality could show the fact that berbeda.Sama with Mods fate his ancestors, the Skinhead prestige could meredup in the era of ’70-an
after beforehand reached the peak of their popularity during 1969.
They afterwards rose again, along with the birth of punk music in around 1977
Hotel Paris

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Obama was Moslem
Obama affirmed in, of December I 'VE always be, of Christian and he resolutely denied ever to have been a Moslem. Seul connection I the 'VE owed Islam is that my father of my father 'on side of S came from this country [Kenya]. But I the 'VE never practised Islam. In February, it asserted: I was never a Moslem. other that my name and the fact that I lived in a populeux Moslem country during 4 years when I were a child [Indonesia, 1967-71] I have very small connection with the Islamic religion.
Always and never leave little part for the equivocation. But much of biographical facts, gathered mainly American press, suggest that, while growing, the Democratic candidate for the president saw himself and was seen as a Moslem.
Obama 'Kenyan father of birth of S: In Islam, the religion passes from the father to the child. Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. (1936-1982) was a Moslem who called his boy Barack Hussein Obama, JR. Only Moslem children are called Hussein .
Obama 'indon�sien family of S: His/her father, Soetoro Milk, were also a Moslem. In fact, like Obama 'half-sister of S, Soetoro-NG of Maya explained to Jodi Kantor of NewYork Times: My whole family was Moslem, and the major part of the people whom I knew was Moslem. Publication indon�sienne, the post of Banjarmasin brings back a former classmate, Rony Amir, pointing out that all the parents of Barry of 'father of S were the very devout Moslems.
The Catholic school: Nedra Pickler of Associated Press announces that documents showed that it was registered as a Moslem while at a Catholic school during initially through the third categories. Kim Barker of Chicago Tribune confirms that Obama was enumerated as a Moslem on the card for the Catholic school. Has the blogger which passes American Expat to Southeast Asia noted that Barack Hussein Obama was recorded under the name of Barry Soetoro serial number 203 and entered to the elementary school franciscaine of Asisi on January 1, 1968 and rested in the class 1B. Barry 'religion of S were enumerated like Islam.
The school of State: Paul Watson of Los Angeles Times learned from Indonesiean familiarized with Obama when he lived in Jakarta that he was recorded by his family as a Moslem at the two schools which he attended. Haroon Siddiqui of star of Toronto visited the school of State of Jakarta Obama occupied and noted that three of its professors indicated that it was registered as a Moslem. Although Siddiqui informs that with the school records the missings, eaten by bugs, one must count on people 'memories of shift of S that, it quotes only one reprocessed professor, Hahiyari tooth, returning its certainty earlier about Obama 'of S being recorded as a Moslem.
Classify of Coran: In its autobiography, the dreams of my father, Obama brings back how it had troubles to make faces during Koranic studies, indicating of this fact it were Moslems, because the students indon�siens in his day followed the religious classes according to their faith. Indeed, Obama always maintains the knowledge of this class: Nicholas D. Kristof of NewYork Times, reports that Obama pointed out the lines of opening of the Arab call to the prayer, the exhibitor [in Kristof] with an accent of first order.
Assistance of mosque: Obama 'half-sister of S pointed out that the family went to the mosque for communal great events. Watson learned from the friends of childhood that Obama sometimes attacked the prayers of Friday to the local mosque. Barker noted that Obama from time to time followed his/her father to the mosque for prayers of Friday. A friend of Indonesia, Zulfin the ADI, declares that Obama was Moslem. It went to the mosque. I remember to use it a sarong (a clothing related to the Moslems).
Piety: Obama itself indicates that while living in Indonesia, a Moslem country, him didn ', of practice as regards T [Islam] recognizing a Moslem identity implicitly. Indonesians differ in their memories from him. One, Rony Amir, described like Obama previously completely religious in Islam.
Obama 's be having incipient and raised a Moslem and having left the faith to go well to a Christian do it more neither nor less qualified to become President of the United States. But if it had been born and raised a Moslem and hides this fact now, this indicates an important deception, a fundamental declaration about which has major implications about its character and of its suitability as president.
Menghabiskan biaya milyaran dolar untuk melacak posisi perjalanan dari sebuah planet yang sangat penting ( yang kabarnya akan menabrak planet Bumi ) yaitu Planet X- Nibiru

Mengapa tiba-tiba pemerintahan di dunia membangun bunker yang berukuran sangat besar yang di dalamnya dipenuhi dengan bibit-bibit kehidupan ( tanaman & spesies) ?
Investor utama dari proyek ini adalah Bill Gates dan Keluarga Rockefeller
Apakah mereka mengetahui sesuatu yang kita tidak ketahui ?
Didesain khusus untuk menyelamatkan para kaum elite dunia
Mereka telah merencanakan rencana keselamatan mereka sendiri, tetapi mereka tidak bisa menyelamatkan semua orang …
Dia telah memberitahu dunia apa yang seharusnya dirahasiakan
Tak lama setelah itu, Phill ditemukan tewas di apartemennya …
Hamas leaders Call Attacks As Israel Holocaust | Palestinians Warn Israel Citizen, Will Escalate Attacks

Damascus - Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal point Israel has been doing 'Holocaust' in Gaza. According to him, Israel's military action only to the Gaza jail in a sea of blood '.
"I ask you O people of Israel, what you may have with the war that you support this? What do you get to kill unless the child is not guilty and create piles skull and blood in the sea of Gaza?" seru Meshaal in Syria in a speech broadcast station-Arab television stations such as dilansir Reuters, Saturday (10/1/2009).
"What you achieve, except that with the Holocaust pemimpinmu want to win the upcoming election?" he added.
Holocaust is the term for his slaughter of the Jews by Nazi Germany during World War II. Around 6 million Jews Hitler became victims of violence in these events.
Meshaal who lives in Syria that Israel deliberately rate target civilians for merontokkan moral of the militants in Gaza. He repeatedly called cease-fire conditions and the desired Hamas, such diakhirinya blockade Israel that was one of the causes of Hamas are reluctant to continue the peace agreement.
Meshaal also said, Israel to attack Gaza will not achieve success militernya. Evidence is still rocket launched by the Palestinians to Israel. "You have created a resistance in every home and the city," specifically.
Israel, Meshaal go, even less in international opinion. Evidence demonstration was held in order to investigate the entire attack Israel.
"We live in the middle of the days most difficult of the war. What we need is a strong resistance in Gaza and the support of the Arab world, Islamic, and international aggression until this enemy over and back," exclaim him.
Jerusalem - Israel distribute leaflets in the Gaza Strip in order to warn people of Palestine that they will increase military attack. Leaflets appear speculation that it will mark a new attack tactics diadopsinya by Israel.
As written BBC, Saturday (10/1/2009), leaflets and a telephone message that was delivered to Gaza residents told to keep distance from the places belonging to Hamas because of Israel (Israeli Defense Forces) does not stray Gaza residents, but 'only Hamas and the terrorist '.
One phone message states that the 'third phase' of the military operation will begin. According to the BBC correspondent, the third stage could mean that the army of Israel will go to more cities and refugee camps. This will bring new risks to both Israeli soldiers and civilians in Gaza.
On Saturday yesterday, attacks have destroyed dozens of Israeli targets, including places of the launch rocket, magazine, and smuggling routes. According to Israel, Hamas has 30 missile shoot again the citizens of Israel injure 2 in Ashkelon.
In this attack, at least 800 people and 13 Palestinian citizens of Israel are reported killed.