Skinhead was a sub-culture that was born in London, England at the end of the 1960 's. Now Skinhead spreads all through the hemisphere. The Skinhead name referred to the followers of this culture that his hair was cut bald. Before beginning him the Skinhead era, there was the group of the adolescent who was called by Mods that became the beginner to skinheads.
Although Skinhead was often associated with people's group that rasis and Neo- Nazi, but Skinhead actual not Neo- Nazi, because initially Skinhead was the oppressed group from the worker's class (especially the dock labourer) in London, England. Skinhead could also refer to to the person's group (usually the adolescent) that was fans Oi music! /streetpunk but also the punk.
Skinhead was the subculture that began in England in the era of ‘60-an, when Mods was mengharubiru the English young. Mods that initially was dominated by the young that come from from the middle circle above afterwards became an epidemic and touched each circle. Including the circle of the alias worker working class.
The young men from this circle although must work hard daily, some even as the manual labourer or the dock labourer, but continued to have the high taste in chose life style certain. They tried adapted life style that developed the pattern of the life, appetite as well as the wallet capacity.

Hard mods afterwards just was known as the Skinheads group around 1968. The generation of this Skinheads pioneer is usually acknowledged as Trads (Traditional Skinheads) or Trojan Skinheads, in accordance with the name of the Trojan Records label.
This Trads group found it easy to be recognised from the suit like shirt button-up Ben Sherman, polo of Fred Perry, Bretel/suspender, tight jeans trousers, monkey boots, the jeans jacket, the Harrington jacket, V neck Sweater etc.. As well as that most important was the short hair discount, was different from the style of hair mods generally.
Pakaian especially because most fields of the work that was available did not allow the worker to have long hair let alone being in a random style was not uniform. Moreover, the short hair discount was regarded as the profit when must face the life of the hard street at that point. There were also those who believed that the choice had short hair was counter against life style the group hippie that was regarded as luxurious but also was developing in this period. More again far, a story told how that this choice came from port workers, like in the Liverpool city, that cut short their hair to avoid lice that often were gotten around the port.
Because of Skinhead personally basically was a subculture not a genre or the musical current, the choice of his music then could beragam.Yang first definitely was roots they who came from Mods, Trads then initially really was affected R&B music in the style of British like from The Who, The Kinks etc.. However, they also terinspirasi by style in the style of Jamaican Rude Boy that also popular in England in the time. Rude Boy or Rudy was the term for the Jamaican immigrants who had black skin the lover of the dance and music from mereka.Hasil him, Trads then really enjoyed music ska, reggae, rocksteady, in fact until music soul etc.. Then occasionally, a person of Skinhead then took part in enjoying the wave from a singer soul like Aretha Franklin misalnya.Dari roots this could be investigated that basically Skinhead in no way was identical to rasis. As the general opinion generally. Because they then enjoyed culture from the black person's community. Moreover, quite a few of Skinhead that had black skin and was coloured
They got the stamp rasis the first time when several of Skinhead were involved clash several times with the Pakistani immigrant and the immigrant from South Asia (they mentioned him Paki-Bashing) in England in the era of ’60-an. The act of the violence that although although could not be justified this was triggered by the problem of the work. Where Skinhead that was workers felt their work land was increasingly narrow was urged by the arrival of the prepared immigrant to be paid lower. The label rasis afterwards increasingly adhered, one of them was after several of Skinhead combined and connected in the organisation white power, National Front that was formed in the beginning of ’70-an. Militancy and the Skinhead character that were hard typical workers could make them be made the implement and various interests of politics. Including being connected by understanding Neo Nazi. Although the history and the available reality could show the fact that berbeda.Sama with Mods fate his ancestors, the Skinhead prestige could meredup in the era of ’70-an
after beforehand reached the peak of their popularity during 1969.
They afterwards rose again, along with the birth of punk music in around 1977
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