ATW | akademi teknik warga | my college

The academy of Teknologi Warga Surakarta had Information Technology facilities that take the form of web server, mail server..... The data server, manajement server and infrastuktur the network of the computer for the internet personally.
Therefore information about ATW would directly could in access by all masyarakart widely. Moreover in the ATW campus also was gotten by HOTSPOT facilities that is taking the form of network access of the internet nirkabel all over the area of the ATW campus.

ImageBy expressing gratitude kehadirat the Lord YME we welcomed the availability web site the Academy of Teknologi Warga Surakarta this to more clarified the existence, the task and the ATW function in the Surakarta community and Central Java especially.
For the level of the national company and the multinational, that almost every week held test and rekruitmen the ATW graduate as the prospective employee, the Surakarta Academy of the Resident's technology already in knew the area because of his graduate that have the potential dibidang him in accordance with his requirement in the industry.
Finally we haturkan thank you and we opened ourselves up on all the suggestions and criticism that were constructive for the sake of goodness together.

Our honour

Widodo Prayitno

Director ATW

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