Jakarta - president SBY angry not was already made. He broke three civils servant of the country which engrosseded in the talk. He was touched above by nonserious civils servant listened to his report/ratio.
The incident occurred during the SBY gave the briefing during the meeting of the Cabinet in the president the 'office of S, street Medan Merdeka Utara, Jakarta Pusat, Thursday (28/8/2008).
In session was discussed partly about liquified natural gas of contract of export (the GNL) extremely which will be been in talks with the government of China.
At the beginning the atmosphere of the briefing was just very calm. SBY began it by giving the explanation of the GNL. Setelah SBY, the turn of vice-president Jusuf Kalla (JK) who gave the explanation.
�JK indicated its meeting with President China Hu Jintao and discussed this GNL of Tangguh. After JK was known as of completion, SBY gave the conclusion. In the gaps sent the conclusion, suddenly SBY indicated three civils servant of the country. The civil servant was him was engrosseding known in the talk.
Salut should not cause personally! Listen! Gift 't spoke satisfy personally! Please here, this the important problem! The aforementioned SBY. Could not be established yet by which this dimarahin SBY.
Namun while being seen side of the hands of SBY apparently indicated the head of the body of Intelijen Negara (rack) Syamsir Siregar, Kepala BKPM Mr. Lutfi, and head bps Rustam Heriawan. The atmosphere then became quiet. Several officials who were appointed that were immediately quiet. After SBY still his report/ratio continued. He said the case of the GNL of Tangguh the examination in his government.
Leaves 's.A. done this like good lesson. Required by me that with all in the future 's.A. taken leave a measurement with the head which was still good. Please put 't draw aside the news which with precision encouraged the people to become confused, said SBY.
While being at a meeting which was present all the Ministers for the council Bersatu indonesia, police force as a chief of the Republic of the General pol. Sutanto of Indonesia, Attorney General Hendarman Supandji and commander General TNI Djoko Santoso of TNI.
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