On August 6 1945 an atom bomb was dropped on the Hiroshima city on Japan, by the United States that began lowered moral the spirit of the Japanese troops all over the world. A day later the Investigator's Body preparations efforts for BPUPK Independence, or "Dokiritu Zyunbi Choosakai", changed the names to PPKI (the preparations Committee for Indonesian Independence) or was acknowledged also as Dokuritu Zyunbi IInkai in Japanese, to more stressed the wish and the aim achieved Indonesian independence. On August 9 1945, the second atom bomb was dropped on Nagasaki so as to cause Japan to surrender to the United States and his ally. This torque was then made use of by Indonesia to proclaim his independence.

Soekarno, Hatta as headed by PPKI and Radjiman Wedyodiningrat as the former chairman BPUPK was flown to Dalat, 250 km on the north-east of Saigon, Vietnam to meet the Marshal Terauchi. They were reported that Japanese troops was in the defeat threshold and will give independence to Indonesia. In the meantime in Indonesia, on August 14 1945, Sutan Syahrir heard the news through radio that Japan surrendered to the Ally. The underground fighters made preparations to proclaim RI independence, and to refuse the form of independence that was given as the Japanese gift
On August 12 1945, Japan through the Terauchi Marshal in Dalat, Vietnam, said to Soekarno, Hatta and Radjiman that the Japanese government will immediately give independence to Indonesia and the proclamation of independence could be carried out in several days, depended the PPKI. procedure [1] Nevertheless Japan wanted Indonesian independence on August 24.
Two days afterwards, during Soekarno, Hatta and Radjiman returned to the homeland from Dalat, Syahrir urgent so that Soekarno immediately proclaims independence because of regarding results of the meeting in Dalat as Japanese deceit, because Japan must have every time surrendered to the Ally and in order to avoid dissension in the nationalist fortification, between that anti and for Japan. Hatta told to Syahrir all about results of the meeting in Dalat. Soekarno was not yet sure that Japan indeed surrendered, and the proclamation of RI independence could at that time cause big bloodshed, and could result in very fatal if the Indonesian fighters were not yet ready. Soekarno reminded Hatta that Syahrir did not have the right to proclaim independence because that was the Committee's Persiapan right for Indonesian Independence (PPKI). In the meantime Syahrir considered PPKI was the artificial Japanese body and the proclamation of independence by PPKI only was the 'gift' from Japan (sic).
On August 14 1945 Japan surrendered to the Ally. The troops and the Japanese Navy were still having the power in Indonesia because of Japan to promise to return the authority in Indonesia to the hands of the Ally. Sutan Sjahrir, Wikana, Darwis, and Chaerul Saleh heard this news through radio of BBC. Setelah hearing Japanese rumours surrendering, the group young urged the old group to immediately proclaim Indonesian independence. However the old group not want to hurried. They did not want the occurrence of bloodshed at the time of the proclamation. Consultations were then carried out in the form of the meeting of PPKI. Golongan young did not agree to the meeting, in view of the fact that PPKI was a body that was formed by Japan. They wanted independence at the instigation of our nation personally, not Japanese giving
Soekarno dan Hatta mendatangi penguasa militer Jepang (Gunsei) untuk memperoleh konfirmasi di kantornya di Koningsplein (Medan Merdeka). Tapi kantor tersebut kosong.
Soekarno and Hatta with Soebardjo afterwards to the Bukanfu office, Laksamana Muda Maeda, in Street Medan Merdeka Utara (the Maeda House in Street Imam the Protruberance 1). Maeda welcomed their arrival with congratulations on their success in Dalat. While replying he did not yet accept confirmation as well as was still being waiting for the instruction from Tokyo. Sepulang from Maeda, Soekarno and Hatta immediately prepared the meeting of the Persiapan Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI) in struck 10 days on August 16 the next day in the office of Street Pejambon No 2 in order to discusses everything that was connected with preparations for the Proclamation of Independence.
A day later, the pressure unrest that wanted the takeover of the authority by Indonesia increasingly was at a peak was expedited by the young men from several groups. Was in a meeting PPKI on August 16 struck 10 days were not carried out because Soekarno and Hatta did not emerge. Participants in the meeting did not know the Rengasdengklok incident happened.
Seconds of the Proclamation of Text Reading
Talks between the young group and the old group in the compilation of the text of the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence took place struck 02,00 - 04,00 at dawn. The text of the proclamation was written in the dining room in Soekarno's residence, Street. Pegangsaan East 56 Jakarta. The compilers of the text of the proclamation were Ir. Soekarno, Drs. Moh. Hatta, and Mr. Ahmad Soebarjo. The concept of the text of the proclamation was written by Ir. Soekarno personally. In front space, was present B.M Diah Sayuti Melik, Sukarni and Soediro. Sukarni proposed so that that signed the text of the proclamation was Ir. Soekarno and Drs. Moh. Hatta on behalf of the Indonesian nation. The text of the Indonesian Proclamation was typed by Sayuti greedy. The following morning, on August 17 1945, in Soekarno's residence, Street Pegangsaan Timur 56 were present including Soewirjo, Wilopo, Gafar Pringgodigdo, Tabrani and Trimurti. The agenda was begun in struck 10:00 with proclamation reading by Soekarno and it was continued the short speech without the text. Afterwards the Red Putih flag, that was sewn by Ms Fatmawati, was flown, was followed with the address by Soewirjo, the representative of the Jakarta mayor at that time and Moewardi, headed by the Pelopor Line.
Initially Trimurti was asked to raise the flag but he refused on the basis of pengerekan the flag better be carried out by a soldier. Therefore was pointed out Latief Hendraningrat, a soldier the MAP, was helped by Soehoed for this task. A young woman emerged from behind brought the tray contained the Red Putih flag (Saka Merah Putih), that was sewn by Fatmawati several the previous day. After the flag was displayed, the audience sang the song Indonesian Raya. [4]. Until this, this heirloom flag was still being kept in the Tugu Museum of the Nasional Monument.
After the ceremony was finished took place, approximately 100 members the Pelopor Line that was led S.Brata came hurried because they did not know the change in the sudden place from Ikada to Pegangsaan. They demanded Soekarno repeated Proclamation reading, but was refused. Finally Hatta gave the short message to them.
On August 18 1945, the Persiapan Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI) took the decision, ratified and determined Dasar regulations (UUD) as the foundation of the Republic of Indonesia country, that furthermore was known as UUD 45. Therefore was formed the Government of the Indonesian Unitary State that had the shape of the Republic (NKRI) with the sovereignty on the hands of the people who was done fully by People's Consultative Assembly (People's Consultative Assembly) that will be formed afterwards. After that of Soekarno and M.Hatta was chosen on the proposal from otto iskandardinata and the agreement from PPKI as Republic of Indonesia President and Vice President who was first. The President and Vice President will be helped by a Nasional Committee.
The contents of the Text of the Proclamation

The contents of the text of the proclamation of this short independence was:
- Kami bangsa Indonesia dengan ini menjatakan kemerdekaan Indonesia.
- Hal-hal jang mengenai pemindahan kekoeasaan d.l.l., diselenggarakan
- dengan tjara seksama dan dalam tempo jang sesingkat-singkatnja.
- Djakarta, hari 17 boelan 8 tahoen 05
- Atas nama bangsa Indonesia.
- Soekarno/Hatta
The Otentik text
The text above was results ketikan of Sayuti Melik (or Sajoeti Melik), one of the leading figures of the young man who took part in the contribution in preparations for the proclamation.
We the Indonesian nation by this stated Indonesian independence.
Matters that concerning the transfer of the authority d.l.l., diselenggarakan
by means of thorough and in the time that as briefly as possible.
Jakarta, the day 17, the month 8, the year of 45
Wakil of the Indonesian nation.
We the Indonesian nation by this stated Indonesian independence.
Matters that concerning the transfer of the authority d.l.l., diselenggarakan
by means of thorough and in the time that as briefly as possible.
Jakarta, the day 17, the month 8, the year of 45
Wakil of the Indonesian nation.
The warning on August 17 1945
Every year on August 17, the Indonesian people celebrated Proclamation Day Kemerdekaan this merrily. From the race panjat betel nuts, the race ate crackers, to the military ceremony in the Merdeka Palace, all part of the community was participating by means of respectively.
Races tradisional
The race that often illustrated and enlivened Proclamation Day Kemerdekaan RI was held in villages/rural areas were followed by the local resident and were coordinated by the management of the village/the village young man
- Panjat pinang
- Tarik tambang
- Sepeda lambat
- Makan kerupuk
- Balap karung
- Perang bantal
- mecahin balon
- Lari Kelereng
The Proklamasi warning of seconds
The warning of Proclamation seconds was in the Merdeka Palace ledby RI President as the Reviewing Officer. This warning is usually broadcasted directly by all the television station. The agendas in the morning including: the shooting of the gun and the siren, pengibaran the flag Saka Merah Putih (the Pusaka Flag), text reading of the Proclamation, etc.. In the afternoon was gotten by the decline agenda in the flag Saka Merah Putih.
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