The restrictions of end would help to bring the relief to the million people suffering from the high prices of foodstuffs and would be a concrete sign of the engagement of international community to make the assistance more effective, said managing director Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala of the World Bank speaking in front of a conference about the September 2 to Accra, Ghana on the effectiveness of assistance. Time ago to lose. Expensive conditions on food aid should be removed to make sure that the food obtains quickly with where it is most necessary.
With 100 million people in risk of fall in the poverty of the high prices of foodstuffs, the bank asks the international community to increase contributions to the world program of the food, for which the needs for placement almost doubled to $6 billion this year. It will need probably placement are equivalent the next year.
We cannot allow us to leave the world 'the drift of attention of S, Okonjo-Iweala known as. Gens always wounds high prices of foodstuffs. They need our support now.
The bank also claims the immediate elimination of the imposition or the restrictions on humane food aid (certainly for purchases of world program of the food) and an end to export prohibitions by the principal producers on forwardings towards the less developed countries and those in fragile situations.
These three stages: elimination of the restrictions and the conditions on food aid; contributions increasing to the world program of the food; and prohibitions and the restrictions of lifting of export on the movement of humane food will protect from the thousands of mothers and the children in danger of, of malnutrition Okonjo-Iweala said. Moreover the givers must support the investment in African green revolution so that the million does not suffer in the future.
The third forum with elevated level on the effectiveness of assistance in Accra gathers members of the Community for the Development total: the givers, the associates of country, the groups of civil society and the agencies for the development international made to make the assistance more effective and to provide better results to the poorest people. The participants will agree on an new approach of consensus, the day order of Accra of so that Action, improves the impact on the ground including/understanding:a better coordination, more transparency, a responsibility reinforced and a hearth on results of development.
Since the preceding conference held in 2005 in Paris, almost 60 countries achieved progress by reinforcing their development strategies national. But much remains to be made, in particular on the coordination of distributor, and there was ice-skating in some sectors.
The World Bank supports the day order of Accra for the action, and claims new stages BOLD:
- Honour the commitments entered into in 2005 at the top with Gleneagles G8 to increase the official assistance of development (ODA) to $130 billion per annum. There is currently a deficit of the directory $39 billion.
- Increase foreseeability, the flexibility and the quantity of assistance of food - inclusion by replacing the assistance bound by the money thus cash the food can be bought locally and obtained where it needed quickly.
- Transparency of increase - thus the givers and the associates of country can see flows of assistance and best the corruption of attack.
- Dig drains more assistance by budgets of country - to help to establish the local capacity and establishments.
- Bring new, nontraditional givers, and support associations of south-south.
- Make the assistance faster and more flexible device - to better answer the shocks such as raising of priceses of food and fuel.
- Made a greater use of the funds in trust of multi-giver - the pooling of the resources can cut costs and administrative procedures for countries partners.
- Innovation of support - using new instruments to type the changing markets financing such as harvest or insurance against the catastrophes and local currency.
The improvement of the effectiveness of assistance reviews right to measure to the top of the assistance, much that easier Okonjo-Iweala said. The setting of the countries in the process of development at the head, transparency expanding, associations of distributor of deepening and the acceleration of the assistance to approach crises and deploying new instruments to provide the assistance in new manners are all the crucial stages. The reinforced property of country, need also bring with it reinforced the responsibility for country to act on good the government and corruption.
As President Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia recently underlined, it facilitates the effectiveness is also crucial to help to reinforce and simplify the climate of investment for the development of private sector. This is what finally to create work in Africa because it made elsewhere, Okonjo-Iweala indicated.
The President Robert B. Zoellick of the World Bank will deal with the forum on September 4, and takes part in a meeting-debate of morning on challenges of innovation and associations of innovation.
Extra informations:
The forum with elevated level gathers more than 80 countries partners, 60 organizations of civil society, givers of the Committee of assistance of development of OECD (DAC), and much of other organizations of assistance of development.
The forum is accomodated by the government of Ghana, and is financed by the bank for the African development, the Asian development bank, the European Bank for the rebuilding and the development, Inter-American Development Bank, the Cooperation organization and of development economic, the Program of the United Nations for the development And the World Bank.
The conference will examine results carried out since the end such a conference held in Paris in 2005 at where the international community the declaration of Paris adopted on the effectiveness of assistance concentrated on the property of country of the development strategies, alignment with strategies of country, harmonization of the actions of distributor and increased transparency, controlling for better results and the mutual responsibility for results for development.
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